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Practical Steps For The Web Design Process

web design texas

Practical Steps For The Web Design Process

Most web designers always think about the web design process and focus on technical subjects such as wireframes, code, and content management. But making a design isn’t all about how you integrate social media feeds or slick visuals. A great designer has a website creation process that connects those elements with an overarching strategy.

Our Darklab Media web design team offers you much more than just aesthetics. We aim to make your website attract visitors, help people understand the product, company, etc. We also brand it through a variety of encompassing visuals, text, and more. It means that every element of your site needs to work towards a defined goal.

But how do you achieve that harmonious combination of elements? Through a holistic web design process that takes both form and function into account.

Let see the steps web design requires :

Goal identification: Work with the client to determine the goals and purpose of the new website. The purpose will define the features.

Scope: Once we know the exact goal of the site, we can define the scope of the project. This means classifying pages and features the site requires to fulfill the client’s goals. Then, a timeline is made for building those out.

Sitemap and wireframe creation: With a well-defined scope, we begin creating a sitemap, then we think about how the content and features we defined in the scope will work together.

Content creation: Content can become the most significant feature of the site. Therefore we create unique branded content while keeping search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. It helps keep pages focused on a single topic. You must have real content to work with for our next stage.

Visual elements: With site architecture and some content in place, start working on the visual brand. This may already be well-defined. If not, define the visual style from the ground up. Tools like style tiles, mood boards, and element collages will help you in this process.

Testing: Now that you have all the pages and how they will be displayed to the visitor, take the time to make sure it all works. Browse the site on a variety of devices with automated site crawlers to identify everything from user experience issues to simple broken links.

Launch: Once everything’s working smoothly, it’s time to plan and execute your site launch. This should include preparing both launch timing and communication strategies. After that, it’s time to break out the bubbly.

We hope you will apply these web design practices to make a stunning website!

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I think it is important to design things with a kind of personality.


Design is a solution to a problem. Art is a question to a problem.


Designs of purely willful nature cannot be expected to last long.