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What are the Keywords, Keyword Density, and why does it Matter?

What are the Keywords, Keyword Density, and why does it Matter?

What are the Keywords, Keyword Density, and why does it Matter?

Are you new in the SEO field? This post will be a great help to you. If you are looking for a Houston-based SEO Service, we have a professional team to help you out.

When we talk about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), keywords are a crucial part of it. After that, one thing plays a vital role in this field. Both are interrelated to each other. You have to find out how does something as analytical as SEO have anything to do with writing? It starts with keywords.

What are the keywords?

Keywords are the words, ideas, and topics that define precisely what your content is about. If we say it in SEO terms, these are the words and phrases that searchers enter into search engines; this is also known as the term “search queries.” If you boil everything on your page, all the images, video, copy, etc. Use simple words and phrases; those are your primary keywords.”

What is keyword density?

Keyword density is a pillar of good writing for SEO. Now the question arises what keyword density is? It’s the number of times (or percentage) specific keywords or key phrases appear in any given text or content.

Every year, the working model is changed, and the pillar shifts after Google’s algorithm improvement and updates. In previous years, there was an old practice known as keyword stuffing.

What is keyword stuffing?

Keyword stuffing adds too many keywords or key phrases into the content copy and HTML, to the point that it doesn’t read or look much like natural writing. Google and its updates always focus on users’ priorities. They want sites with the best customer experience, and they don’t want people to play games with the algorithm to be the ones at the top.

In the prior years, keyword stuffing was a black hat strategy. The people would overstuff text with keywords, making the overall keyword density incredibly high. The result usually reads like a robot spitting out text. It is an example of keyword stuffing to the extreme.

So always keep in mind Google’s spiders hate this technique. That is why Google started to penalize websites who do or did this. That more or less ended the era of keyword-speak text.

Now, here’s a new exciting question.

If keyword stuffing is wrong, why are we still worried about keyword density?

Thats somewhat difficult to tackle with writers fresh into the SEO and marketing scene. You don’t have to write that thing which feels so unnatural, but we have to stuff the keywords with a strong presence in all the written copy.

All these things need to be natural, even according to Google. Why should you care?

Because it is a significant impact on the keyword rankings

Ranking loss means loss of traffic that will directly impact your business leads. That can lead to your business possibly losing money. Some of these keywords that came off the first page have thousands of people searching everything month.

We have to naturally manage the text, including all the target keywords and key phrases, and get them closer to the original, keyword-dense page.

Asking these three critical questions will help you to determine what the right keyword is:

Are the keywords targeting what customers are searching for?

  • Will the viewers who find my site use these keywords to find the answers to their questions?
  • Will this traffic help reach goals, financial, email sign-ups, or other?
  • If you cannot answer these three questions, you should change the keywords you are using.
SEO tools

This is where the platform where SEO tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahref, SEMrush become important for ranking well. Most of the high-ranking pages you see in search engines use these tools to allow you to understand your market better.

To know your competition, market, and possible monetary value of your keywords, you must have the right tools for your keyword research to analyze your keywords and content, so you have the answers you need.

After all these things, you still need to research how to simplify the process that gives you answers. Using these tips will go a long way in improving your traffic, ranking, and conversion goals.

Suppose you feel that you need an SEO service in Houston or any other place and looking for the best SEO Company in Houston. In that case, Dark Lab Media has the SEO Houston Expert to provide you the best services. For more details, you can contact us @ 214.850.0668.

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